Product Specifications
Other Properties
General Properties
Pack Size
3.5 cm
3.5 cm
8.8 cm
50 gm
Brand Origin
Product Details
Also known as :
REPL 22, brights dsaese
Dr. Advice No. 22 (Bright’s Disease) Composition (Ingredients)
- Arsenicum Album 6x
- Apocynum Cannabinum Q
- Apis Mellifica Q
- Berberis Vulgaris Q
- Terebinthinar Oleum 6x
- Cantharis 6x
- Causticum 6X
- Chimaphila Umbellata Q
- Solidago Virgaurea Q
- Copaiva Officinalis Q
Tympanites and urinary symptoms very marked. Inflammation of kidneys. Bright’s disease preceded by dropsy, strangury with bloody urine. Inflamed kidneys following any acute disease.
Mode of Action
- Arsenicum Album 6x: Bladder as if paralysed, Bright’s disease.
- Apocynum Cannabinum Q: Reral Dropsy. Hot urine, Burning in urethra.
- Apis Mellifica Q: Last drops burn and short, scanty. High coloured.
- Berberis Vulgaris Q: Pain in the thighs and loins on urinating. Sore sensation in kidneys.
- Terebinthinar Oleum 6x: Violent burning drawing pain in region of kidneys. Painful erections.
- Cantharis 6x: Retention of urine with cramp like pain in the bladder.
- Causticum 6X: Acrid and corrosive urine or path, aqueres of a deep brown or reddish colour.
- Chimaphila Umbellata Q: Dysuria and retention, constant pain in region of kidneys.
- Solidago Virgaurea Q: Bright’s disease clear stinking urine.
- Copaiva Officinalis Q: Constant, ineffectual desire to urine. Swelling, urine in drops.
10-15 Drops with 1/4th cup of water 5-6 times daily. In chronic cases, 10 drops every 2 hours
Terms and Conditions
Homeopathic products have several uses and should be taken on the basis of symptom similarity. Results may vary depending upon the conditions. We recommend consulting your physician before purchasing this medicine and abstain from self medication.
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